Afraid not, I don't trust Labour with my sex - the party leader is a biological liar who hasn't even publicly cleared or apologised to MP Rosie Duffield for nonphobia! He watched her burn, a clear Indication that things will only get worse for women, if he gets in! Thanks for the post xx

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Thank you, Rachel, for this post, I read it with interest. I do want to believe you’re right when you write: “I am imploring you to vote Labour because, in my view, they DO “understand how men visit oppression onto women as a class, and often in ways that exploit or abuse our bodies” (the feminist position).” That is the crux of the problem - so many of my female friends are no fans of the Tories, but feel Labour is going to be just as bad for women, because Labour no longer see women as a class, and have abandoned class analysis, rooted in material realty. The way Rosie Duffield or Joan Smith have been treated by Starmer and Khan respectively have made them even more distrustful. In any case, their victory is assured, and unlike in continental Europe, our first past the post system will ensure the leftward turn, at least for the next 5 years (barring unforeseen events, which are entirely possible given what choice American voters will have in their election).

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The first thing that occurred to me is that this is what men want. They want infighting.

And they want the re-invention of the wheel ... I.e, women busily fighting to retain their legal and social rights as women. Instead of putting their attention to MVAW, wage disparity, men getting away with rape in courts, etc. etc.

Why not have a go at men, rather than hurt, abused, jobless or attacked threatened women who see this movement for what it is ;not saying you don’t, but for some of us it us personal. For example having TERF yelled at you in front of your children).

Women have been tied up in courts to retain their rights, their jobs, their right to speak up! Women have lost their jobs, their reputations, their businesses.

Because they dared to state who women are.

Ergo... this is not simply a word. It’s a whole raft of various attacks.

The movement seeks to cow, frighten, silence, diminish, and humiliate women.

It is a movement with tentacles that find their way into every part of life, and try to crush and finish any Women’s initiative or activity. Their right to single-sex counselling, dressing, incarceration, sport... 🤷🏻‍♀️ everything. Education too.

My daughter is thoroughly indoctrinated. My partner who saw me birth my two children thinks that some women have penises. It almost finished our relationship.

His university partied on a young woman amputating her healthy breasts. And he thinks having bearded women in his department is something to celebrate — I doubt they’ll be celebrating in 5 or 10years... 🤷🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️

This insane movement has had a profound effect on me and my ability to trust or admire anything or anyone.

I am afraid that I can’t vote for anyone who doesn’t outright condemn his hatred and misogyny of women.

I was going to spoil my ballot, but I might vote POW. I dunno.

But I can’t vote for Thornberry.

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No. For one, I don't trust Labour an inch to do anything good for us and two, it seems to me you don't know enough about the implications and ramifications of trans. . The point is it isn't just a few trans people who are affected. It's everyone. And first and most it's the poorest and most vulnerable women in prison, in refuges, hostels, users of council facilities of all kinds who can't buy their way out it. Gays, lesbians, children. I could go on.

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Thank you for this thoughtful piece. I do not agree with everything you say here, but I appreciate the fact that you are really thinking through your position and grappling with the complexities of this subject. It is not easy to make nuanced arguments like this!

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